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Afro dance (in English)
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Afro dance (in English)

(AP77023, dap kurz, začátek: 26. 1. 2022, konec: 30. 3. 2022)

Lekce bude vedená v angličtině, ale vzhledem k tomu, že tanec spojuje a není třeba slov, tak se nemusíte bát, že byste na lekci nestíhali, pokud vaše angličtina není úplně 100%.

An approachable and committed dance instructor, a graduate of DANCE DEAL AND SPAN DANCE ACADEMY, who is keen to share his passion for dance with those that He teaches,. Israel is able to run a stimulating, challenging and varied extra-curricular dance programmed across any schools where He teaches. He can create a classroom atmosphere where visitors are welcome and peer observation is the norm. On a Personal level, He is an ENERGETIC, PHYSICALLY FIT AND CONFIDENT dance instructor/teacher who has a successful track record of improving a student’s knowledge and understanding of dance irrespective of their ages. He has taught private schools; colleges and adult education centres. Adding to this, he has experience of teaching hip hop, contemporary, lyrical, naija flavour and of course Afro beat. He is relentlessly results orientated and is dedicated to achieving the highest possible standards across all curricular stages.

Lekce kurzu na sebe navazují kvůli výuce choreografie.